Workspaces in Allinkster are analogous to profiles. Although Allinkster categorizes added bookmarks in separate sections in
the Tree view according to their type, it is sometimes required that they be categorized according to their subject matter.
Example, I might want to keep my job-related shortcuts, links etc., separate from lets say, my hobby-related shortcuts, links
etc. To cope with this requirement, Allinkster enables you to maintain separate profiles to let you better organize different
kinds of your favorite links.
By default, Allinkster uses a predefined workspace that is shown as ‘Default’ in the workspace menu.
Loading a new workspace:
A new workspace can be by doing either of the following:
Click the ‘Space’ button.
Right click the above button to reveal a context menu and select ‘Load from’.
Select ‘Load from’ from the ‘Workspace’ item under the 'Actions' menu item.
Select ‘Load from’ from the ‘Workspace’ item in the context menu of the System Tray Icon (if enabled).
Above scenarios will present you with a folder browse dialog. Select the desired folder to make it a Allinkster workspace.
It is advisable not to select an existing folder as a worksapce to prevent mixing up already existing files with Allinkster files.
Loading an existing workspace:
This can be accomplished by doing either of the following:
If ‘Remember workspaces’ is enabled in the
settings, Right click the ‘Space’ button to reveal a list of previously saved workspaces or select the desired workspace from
the ‘Workspace’ item in the context menu of the System Tray Icon (if enabled).
Clicking the ‘Default’ option will load system defined workspace.
If ‘Remember workspaces’ is disabled in the Settings, you can still browse to an existing workspace that you created using
the steps mentioned in ‘Loading a new workspace’. Allinkster will automatically determine whether the selected folder is a